Németh Debs

May 31, 20214 min

An Introduction to Fabian Socialism via Brave New World and 1984

January 22, 2021

1200 words

Updated 1/27/2021

Read Full Piece By Thuletide


Unfortunately, many people today mistakenly believe that ‘1984’ was a diatribe against Fascism. It’s a reasonable assumption, considering that the book was written and published (1947-8 and 1949), immediately after the Second World War and the conclusive defeat of Fascism.

However, in reality, 1984 was a scathing attack on the arch enemies of Fascism: The Globalist victors of the Second World War. Orwell was by no means sympathetic to Fascism, of course, but he believed that the Allies were led by megalomaniacs, who would betray the ideals of Democratic Socialism by creating a totalitarian world government that was Socialist and Democratic in name, but oligarchical in nature.

Orwell was 100% correct: The Allies, who had been known as the ‘United Nations’ since the Arcadia Conference in 1942, formalized the UN alliance as a world governing body immediately after the Second World War ended. However, their conspiracy to create a global government wasn’t cooked up during the Second World War. The same gang of Globalists founded the League of Nations in 1919, as part of the Treaty of Versailles, signed immediately after the First World War. Their first attempt at world governance was completely ineffectual and disrespected internationally. The League of Nations had no political nor economic power, a problem that the UN was designed to resolve. The UN’s first political act (outside of warmongering) was to establish a one-world global banking system. They achieved this in 1944 via the Bretton Woods Conference, at which they founded the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF), among other organizations, such as the GATT, which became the World Trade Organization. In 1946, all of the League of Nations’ assets, including its major sub-organizations, were directly transferred to the UN. This transition was, more or less, a massive rebranding operation. Today, out of the 195 countries in the world, 190 are members of the IMF, and 193 are UN member states, bound to the United Nations’ laws and regulations.

The setting of 1984, a world divided between three giant empires competing for world domination, was inspired by the Tehran Conference, held between the “Big Three” of the United Nations (the UK, USA, and USSR). Orwell describes each empire’s ideology as a form of ‘Oligarchical Collectivism,’ a centralized, collectivist state that explicitly benefits the ruling oligarchy at the expense of the masses. The term was derived from “Bureaucratic Collectivism,” a Trotskyite criticism of Stalinist Marxist-Leninism, describing a Communist state in which all profit is distributed among The Party’s elite bureaucracy, rather than the proletariat. 1984’s empire of Eurasia practiced ‘Neo-Bolshevism,’ Eastasia ‘Death Worship’ (or ‘Obliteration of Self’), and Oceania ‘INGSOC’ (formerly ‘English Socialism’).

INGSOC was modeled on the ideals of the British Fabian Society, which was founded in 1884. In 1984, Orwell essentially describes what he envisioned to be the consequences of 100 years of Fabian Socialism. He was well acquainted with many leading Fabians, including ‘Brave New World’ author Aldous Huxley, who tutored him at Eton College.

The Fabian Society was founded as the political arm of the Fellowship of the New Life, an occult, socialist think tank founded in 1883. The Fellowship was home to many influential figures, including the UK’s first Labour Party Prime Minister and Karl Marx’s daughter, Eleanor. The Fabian Society has been dominant in both British and global politics for over a century. It founded numerous influential organizations, such as the London School of Economics (1895) and the British Labour Party (1900). Fabians were instrumental in the creation of the United Nations and the entire postwar world order itself. Aldous Huxley’s brother Julian, for example, was the first director of UNESCO. He also coined the term “transhumanism” in his book ‘New Bottles for New Wine’ (1950).

The Fabians’ political aim is the creation of a one-world Socialist government, ruled by a technocratic elite that micromanages every aspect of our lives, including our biology (via transhumanism). However, their ultimate goal is the total spiritual reconstruction of humanity; the birth of a new man, akin to the Bolshevik ‘Soviet Man.’ Although the fundamental worldview of Fabian Socialists is near-identical to that of Marxist Communists, their political strategy is radically different. While Marxists advocate(d) a violent world revolution, Fabians favor an incredibly gradual, almost undetectable transition towards a totalitarian world-state. Nevertheless, many leading Fabians, such as Sidney and Beatrice Webb, sang high praises of the USSR, even into the Stalinist period, describing it as a vision of a future ideal civilization.

The Fabian Society derives its name from the Roman general Quintus Fabius, known as “the Delayer.” Its logo and emblem are a wolf in sheep’s clothing and a tortoise, and its first pamphlet read: “For the right moment you must wait, as Fabius did most patiently, when warring against Hannibal, though many censured his delays; but when the time comes you must strike hard, as Fabius did, or your waiting will be in vain, and fruitless.” If you think that’s on the nose, flip through some of the “fiction” novels and other literary works published by leading Fabians.
