Németh Debs

Sep 5, 202212 min

The Great Work and How to Expel Daemon from Family and Friends

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

Note to Reader:

The following supersedes any related reference(s) in this article. The correct order is Concept/Spirit/Daemon. You drop the concept, the spirit of that concept is taken up (internalized in any way and/or proportion), and the final manifestation is Daemon given the right circumstances. Crude explanation. I know.

But if one wanted to cultivate a superpower in these dark times, it would be as easy as seeking Truth. Work on centering yourself. A centered individual is capable of perceiving Truth and defeating these ones that perpetrate a craft upon the masses. They comprehend their power. You still do not.

Why are particular individuals seemingly impervious to craft, guile, and deception at whatever variation? It is because those individuals are centered. Lots of people will sell you some shit about spirituality or even godliness but 'in the end there will be those that hold to a form of godliness though they do not believe".

They cannot get you there. You have to do the hard work yourself.

Even under tutelage, that is the best anyone can do. Cast my net. Extend my arm to you. You must reach back or drown. Capiche? I'm treading water myself (we all are) but reaching out to you nonetheless because we leave no man/woman behind lest that be their wish.

There's nothing "special" about me. Other than I have an imperative or drive (something in me) that is beyond even what I may perceive of myself that seeks Truth. I am glad to give myself over to these things ordained by nature (God). I was created and this is who I am.

Not gonna lie to you, these ones will be attracted to you. Drawn to you. Do not be afraid. There will be times that you will have to work arduously to remain in the present/reality as those around you are mechanized to pull you into whatever channel to mass-delusion. They are exceedingly frenetic. Dead giveaway. Freneticism drawn of fear. Remember, most are victims (and God's children born of this world same as you) and these things we discuss are beyond their present comprehension. How do we treat a victim? Not the same way we treat a malefactor (evil doer/criminal, etc.). Dig really deeply for the compassion you now require. Work to change only yourselves and develop that warrior spirit that resides within you already. Feed it. Unleash it. No matter where you are in your personal development, keep going. This is how we are going to defeat this.

After all, you are the Light of the World and a beacon to those still in darkness. This is a great and wonderous responsibility. The confluence of time and space (God himself) has chosen you, warrior.


All things can be reduced to spirit. Even concept itself. Every idea and notion may be and has potential to be manifested into what we understand as reality. We are co-creators of reality after all.

If this is in fact the case, then what we have witnessed in society in our lifetimes, in our examinations of what They sell us as "history", and especially in the past several years, is confoundingly unsettling. Society itself run on craft, deceptive notions and deliberate falsities. Lies and deception. Extreme Subjectivism, otherwise known as "Evil", "Satanic", etc. You get the picture. Somebody else's wicked ideas (lies), and become normative, standards concocted from ill-intent and wanton subversion. Malocchi. Who could it be now?

The Pharistocracy - Israel, Rome, Mecca. Washington, D.C., London City, Vatican City. Switzerland, , . The world is possessed by Daemon. Daemon/Concept/Spirit. However, Daemon of those of ill-intent. You are unwittingly controlled by Daemon as an object or target of the manipulators of the craft. Craft itself simply being the directing of focus toward the manifestation of an end utilizing concept.

This is a Great Evil. Be advised that you, yourself are more powerful than They the adepts that target you. This is why They devote billions upon billions to occupy your minds and insert concepts into the depths of your minds at the most intimate levels that those concepts may take spirit and in turn control your energies. What you do. What you say. How you feel. What you believe. Do not "Believe" anything. Belief requires the suspension of far too many of your God-given faculties, and tends to require that you relinquish agency.

Who is They? There are so many names but at the end of the day they are all Talmudics since all of these destructive ideologies are rooted therein. When you remove that one factor/aspect of any of the destructive influences in the world (Illuminati, modern Freemasonry, Satanism, Luciferianism, Occultism. All of the "government" organizations, CDC, U.N., WHO, corporations, etc.) They no longer exist (without their "Jewish" framework). Talmudic influence is behind it all. That is to say "Jewish" influence.

Sound Anti-Semitic? Only if Semitism itself exists. That is to say, only if there exists an over-arching Jewish Supremacy can there be a counter such as Anti-Semitism. M'kay? I'll allow he who challenges me to choose his position. Pick your poison. Am I Anti-Semitic? Or am I Anti-Jewish Supremacy. Trick question as these two things are the same.

The Ruling Class has captured the next generations with their Pedophilic Transhumanist craft/agenda, and by craft, I mean the wielding of occulted knowledge against an object/target. That target/object being We The People. These things that we often discuss.

There's nothing new under the sun since the times of Babylon.

We are under occupation by foreigners. They are NOT Americans. Not in spirit or actuality. If these ones that hold power over this nation were Americans they could pay American debt as only Americans can. After all, only Americans can pay an American debt. Foreigners can only utilize credit. So, we know that these that rule are foreigners since they rack up astronomical and endless debt. That is all that They can do.

We are also seeing next level bachi bazi. The sexual abuse and feminization of our boys. A foreign practice. It is a symptom of the foreign rule that we are under. I wish I could help you more, but you have the power already. Time to unlock it.

You must block out the influence of the world to whatever extent you can and have to. That means stop consuming news media, experts' opinions, science bullshit, politics, social media. You may even have to cut off people in your lives. Those narcissists and otherwise sociopathic individuals you have suffered throughout your lives. You would have to get rid of all of the negative and "bad" influences that you are surrounded by. You may and must observe all things and people, but you must not take it in. You must not internalize anything.

If you cannot stop from internalizing the stimuli in your environment, then cut yourself off until you can. To transcend the madness, you must extricate yourself from it. I know lots are afraid of "being alone" but, man, you were never alone. It may take solitude from others for you to actually realize this. You will never come to understand what is happening let alone put up a defense when you are being bombarded with information and messaging and hooks, allowing daemon/concept/spirit to be planted within you by those you permit to influence you. Will you be the influenced or an influencer? I do not mean this in a social media garbage kind of way. We are seeking the Light. All of us. At the same time recognizing it's already within us.

You are not in control. I have come to see that the only choice that you have is by what spirit you will be directed by. Leave it to society and these psychopaths, and you know which ones.

You may yourself be a conduit of Daemon(s). If you have taken up with the status quo, Leftists and all of the woke ba'alshit. Globalism. "muh White man bad". If you have been so taken in that you mutilated yourself (reassignment surgery or any other kind, even plastic surgery), then you have been taken in by daemon(s). If you buy into any aspect of it. Abortion. Racism. Colonialism. Porn. Fashion. Painting a Tranny face and spending more time on your looks just to look like something else other than yourself. Taking on personality traits from pop culture and/or those influences around you. All kinds of social intrigue and bullshit. These are the obvious indicators. However, the problem goes deeply into each individual as character, integrity, uprightness is now almost non-existent. You are in no uncertain terms possessed. We may all be possessed but by what? Different things at different times but all idea/concept/spirit. That's the mechanism by which is works.

You will certainly believe a lie because you live a lie. That's a hard pill to swallow. How can it be a lie if everyone participates in it? Ahahah

How do you break the cycle? Jesse Lee Peterson seems to take a stoic approach. You have to face the spirit that made you an iteration of it. Lots of folks may not have the opportunity to forgive their mothers or that maternal figure that did them in from day one but I concur that it is that negative feminine spirit that has now conquered the globe. I think that above all you must forgive yourselves. There is work to do and you cannot get caught up on the past because the past does not exist. The point is for you to let go and stop living in the past so that you may contend with an admittedly dismal present. To regain or for many for the first time to achieve agency. You require it now. You require as clear a sight as you can wrangle. See things for what they are as difficult as it will be.

There will be a great many that will not be able to be redeemed since they will not be able to face themselves. Certainly not after having to live with the repercussions of having allowed this evil to make a home in them to the extent that these individuals have mutilated themselves and worked to facilitate an environment where innocents are to be mutilated (reassignment surgery or any kind of plastic surgery, etc.), and I am very sorry for that. I have a great empathy for the victims of transgenderism. If I could cry a tear, I'd cry one for you. It will take a great courage for you to face Truth and comprehend what is that thing that took hold of you. You can fight it. I will personally help you to work it out no matter what daemon you are dealing with. You are stronger than it.

It is not just you. Whoever you are that may be reading this. A debt is owed by the ones that have transgressed upon the innocents. You were all innocents, but they made you believe that you were born into the world as sinners. But rather the world made you sinners molding you from day one. When They talk original sin, I am inclined to perceive this as that element of human nature that may be taken in by Them. That is our sin. Now we are evil having committed great transgressions against each other and evil having turned blind eyes to those even greater transgressions committed in our own names as a nation. Not fully comprehending what is being done in our name as Americans. As the heirs to Western Civilization at-Large. That is who we are, these United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Europa. Heirs to the world. A better world for all for your very existence that These psychopaths work to put an end to us.

The game of the Pharistocracy (the occult driven ruling class and their ansari) is shifting karmic debt. We do not simply or passively absorb karmic debt. Evil has been "normalized" for quite some time. 1973 They "legalized" Abortion ultimately creating a baby killing mill harvesting organs, stem cell that they use to make your favorite food flavorings. Yes, you are a cannibal if you eat processed foods. Then the stage upon which it became acceptable to abort a living being in the womb was made later.

At what point in human development does the pineal gland become fully formed, I would like to know. Is it 20 weeks? 24? If you know, please contact me.

They have now captured the younger generations to participate directly in the most wantonly depraved and heinous sins against nature and therefore God.

The world is a ritual ceremonial playground for psychopaths and you are used either in furtherance of it or chosen of God to fight it.

You are the Light of the World. I do not ask you to hide from the evils of this World or the darkness. However, you must sure yourselves up individually (no one can do this for you) and then come together collectively. Start the Great Work the moment it dawns on you. I'll be here to help you through. We may yet redeem ourselves in time guys.

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, except by me."

Riddle me this: What is God?

Nature and the natural world. Objective Reality.

What is Evil/Satan?

Extreme Subjectivism. Lies and deceptions to fool the world.

Christ symbolizes Truth.

"No man cometh onto the Father (God/Objective Reality) but by me."

Only through Truth may we be redeemed. This is where we are in the timeline. It's crunch time. This is not a drill.

Only through Truth may we be saved from the Evils of this world and those malfeasants we call "They".

Only through Truth may we know God.

Only through Truth may we come into Objective Reality and prevail over Evil/Extreme Subjectivism.




They follow a level of spirituality most don't understand. I believe in God and the heavenly power and that we all receive protection and guidance from God unless our sins are beyond God's protection.

Much of this has been documented in the act of saints and miracles of the heavenly power.

I suspect Their evil ways and the appointment of sexual deviants to positions of power prevents our leaders from receiving guidance and protection from God.

Andy Flynn



***Pax Judaica***


In 1957 Paula Hitler published this defiant and poetic statement twelve years after her brother Adolf Hitler's death. It was aimed at the sea of lies and filth endlessly vomited by the controlled press. Her love and devotion to her brother shine like a beacon to us all.

“Gentlemen, never forget this; Your names will be forgotten even before your bodies have rotted away in the earth, but the name Adolf Hitler will still be a light in the darkness. You cannot murder him by drowning his memory in your sick buckets, and you cannot strangle him with your filthy, ink stained fingers. His name exists forever in hundreds of thousands of souls. You are far too insignificant to even touch him. He loved Germany. He fretted over Germany, and when he fought for honour and respect, he fought for German honour and respect for Germany. And when there was nothing left, he gave his life for Germany. Trust me on this: the Führer’s utter unselfishness in word and deed alone guarantees his immortality.”

"It is true once you see the truth you can never go back to believing the lies and it lets you understand so many things in our world.

This historian Jan Lamperecht, he is South African, has great content on his sites historyreviewed.com. He compared learning the Truth to a religious experience. He said it hit him like a ton of bricks and he took some time to process it and then began kicking the yids out of his life. Some were financiers of his site. One in particular he even asked about the connections of Communism to the Talmud, etc. The guy did not deny anything. They gave him the Yiddish treatment removed all his videos off YouTube, banned him from the pay sites like Paypal. He said he had this follower on his websites that would always comment the truth and Jan would give him a hard time tell him he can't say those things and remove his comments, etc. He tracked the guy down and apologized and gave him VIP access to his website.

If you have time, listen to some of his videos. They are really great. He has one called "What Hitler Tried To Teach The Germans and All Aryans". There is a part 1 and 2. Really great information in his videos.

I think one of the reasons why I am so passionate about this subject and the Truth is because once I learned it I was also shocked like Jan and took time to process but I wanted to tell everyone and anyone I could. When we do redpill people, I find they go on to redpill others so I try in real life to tell people the Truth as well but that is really difficult especially with the laws being passed everywhere. I have this really young guy at work and he was talking about Usury Banking and the Rothschilds when we had our staff outing I mentioned Germany got rid of Usury Banking and thrived. He said "yeah, but then look what happened" and I told him that was a lie and could prove to him the 6 million is a lie. He got angry and called me a holo-denier but he agreed to talk about it when we are sober. We were on a wine tour, so I hope I can explain it to him and get another Aryan on our team who will go on to redpill others.

So, I will either redpill this young man or go to jail. I hope I can get him on our side. He is tall, blue eyed, handsome young man married to a beautiful young woman that has same name as me. There are days that I wish I didn't know the Truth though it is hard to relate to other people. It must be nice to just be blissfully ignorant like the normies from time to time.
