Németh Debs

Nov 11, 20214 min

Kyle Rittenhouse Is The Face Of America Fighting The Angry Hordes of Leftism

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

Were Subversive Jews behind BLM/Antifa attack on white teen at Kenosha riots? – Jim Condit Jr. for Congress (jimforamerica.com) (Click to watch Brother Nathaniel video)

Fighting for his life with the gaze of a nation upon him, much of it ire, Kyle Rittenhouse is the face of America. He is you and me. He is the future of this country the very soul of which hangs in the balance upon the disposition of his show-trial. Lots of people do not believe in prayer but do you believe in synchronicity?

A sequence of events have occurred just within the past several years of this Leftist take-over, starting with Charlottesville and culminating with the show-trial, persecution of Kyle Rittenhouse. All of our sins as happy-go-lucky Americans particularly during this time period, our sins of tolerance and blind acceptance, ignorance and obliviousness had to be paid for.

Nothing in life is free.

The weight of our transgressions falls on the back of the young Kyle of Kenosha. America is guilty of tolerance. Read that again. America is guilty of allowing Leftism to creep in and take over this country step by step imperiling our very way of life.

The Left wants you broke, dead, your wife and kids raped and killed and they think it's funny.

Kyle Rittenhouse while performing a duty to his community was caused to defend his life against what we know to be typical Leftists. What do I mean by that? Leftists are hateful, violent, queer (pedophiles), mobbing, faggots. This is what many otherwise good and decent people have and are aligning themselves with whether they realize it or not.

Point in case, Rosenbaum who was a repeat offender pedophile that would select women that had young children so that he could get at those children sexually. He's also a subversive Jew. There are all types of subversives operating out here. You are immersed in a sea of subversion.

Far too many have been taken in by the media. Far too many fail to understand even at this late hour what has actually occurred in this country. What we are in the midst of is an ugly reality for White people in America especially but all of our fates are intertwined in Western Civilization. The worst casualty of modernity is the failure to perceive danger. Unaware that Western Civilization, the lifestyles and the lives that we lead are an anomaly. The inhabitants have been lulled to sleep by a pied piper that has said, "I am just like you", "all people are the same", "don't be a bigot", "share the wealth", "aren't you a nice person?".

All manipulations by subversives. You have been overrun by an element that niceness will never subdue. Don't you know their endgame? They want you broke, dead, your wife and kids raped and killed and they think it's funny.

Do you understand how they operate?

They have set up a game, made the rules, made you subject to those rules, and control you through a framework of psychological manipulations and an utterly basic system of repetition and conditioning, replete with triggers and prompts via the crafting of language, meaning, and understanding layer upon layer. There are so many plates going at the same time, big and small to be set into play at their whim. Veil upon veil infinitely. History is a lie.

They rely upon their estimations of the human condition, our inherent weaknesses. Your perceived desires, including - if not especially, your desire to "know" or "believe" or "to be good or nice", etc. Capiche? (Do you understand?). No more Mr. Nice Guy.

They mock you at every turn. Your ignorance of their ways. Their practices (rituals). The blatant world of symbolism. Your inability, even now, to see what is flaunted in full view. They are subversives that laugh at how easily you are controlled because of your innate fanaticism. Take pause. Just because you have seen something before doesn't mean anything.

Liberalism is a death sentence. Democracy is a lie. If you only knew how bad it was.

Do not desire ANY thing and you cannot be tempted. You have to have the mentality that you can take or leave ANY thing that you do not actually require to live. Then, you will be beyond their reach. Temptation occurs through the eyes. So, do not see. Do not look. If you must look, then understand what it is that you are seeing. It is all lies and subversive messaging. T.V., movies, music, news - all of it.

If you are a slave to vice, then you are their bitch.

In their supreme arrogance, They profess Their superiority over you based on the knowledge of this game. A game of which YOU have not known.

They forget, and so have you, that "the meek shall inherit the world". So, get to work on you. That's how you defeat them. Eliminate want, desire, and lust. Humble yourselves.

They control you through fear. Fear of death. Fear of want. Fear of loss. You are afraid of the least bit of discomfort. They know that.

There is one truth that you can't get passed and it is that whoever controls the money and the media controls consensus. If you did the objective research for yourself, you'd see why people are okay with being called Anti-Semites. In fact, the ones that accuse others of Anti-Semitism should be railed against either for their ignorance or for their deliberate subversion.

Thou shall not bring a skateboard to a gunfight.

