Németh Debs

Feb 15, 20232 min

The ADL Is Anti-White and Peddles Woke Dogma

The ADL’s Radical Boss Must Go | Frontpage Mag

Whistleblower: How Transgender Industry Convinces Parents To Mutilate Their Kids (prophecynewswatch.com)

The lying media are of course not the only liars the American public is contending against. The lying ADL is another top contender. The Anti-Defamation League has consistently and repeatedly taken firm Anti-White positions throughout its history and promoted and propagated Anti-White hatred and propaganda for generations. Therefore, the ADL cannot be trusted. Jonathan Greenblatt, who heads up this slimy organization, presumes an authority that neither he nor his organization by virtue of their deeds possesses. After all, Mr. Greenblatt is a staunch supporter of Woke dogma.

If an individual, organization, corporation, or group takes an Anti-White, "Woke" stance in an atmosphere that arduously works to create oppressors of POC's and Woke sociopaths against the White population, then they assume an inferior position to all people of moral fiber. I invoke moral authority.

If we examine how the ADL got its start, we may see that they have been liars from the beginning. I urge you to research this matter yourself. However, I will provide for you some background. The ADL was established to protect a rapist and murderer, Leo Frank. Leo Frank heinously murdered a young gentile woman and then became the beneficiary of Jewish power in America that through the ADL and other means rallied to the murderer's defense using its power to protect Leo Frank regardless of right or wrong.

The power of Jewish influence and money was utilized to create the ADL for this express purpose at the start [to protect a murderer]. The same ADL that constantly whines to this very day (see article below) about concocted Anti-Semitism while creating an environment of Anti-White hatred that spills off to the very Jewish population (regular people) that the ADL pretends to protect. Americans are waking up. The ADL after all is a Jewish interest taskforce rather than an organization working for American interests. But what Jews? Who are the Jews that the ADL works to protect? The Jews in government and positions of systemic power peddling Woke dogma? Remember that whenever the ADL comes after any goyim and/or gentile such as Kanye West. There is no doubt that the ADL is full of shit.

See article below.

There are those that presume a superiority over the masses based on a 'Chosen' by --- (god) posit. I reject this premise wholesale. There are those that presume a superiority over the masses based on insider/initiated status. I reject this premise wholesale. There are still others that presume a superiority over the masses based on generations of blood rites/practices. I reject this premise wholesale.

Together with all human beings ordained to invoke moral authority as superiors to all extreme subjectivists (Satanists, Gnostics, Globalists, Transhumanists, Talmudics), I invoke moral authority. How will you know if you are ordained to invoke moral authority?

You need only know right from wrong and admit to yourself that you have been wrong. That none have clean hands.


