Németh Debs

Jan 16, 20231 min

The Get Whitey Act of 2023

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

Your very existence is White Supremacy America!

The Get Whitey Act of 2023 – Occidental Dissent

BILLS-118hr61ih.pdf (congress.gov) Anti-White Act (Audio and pdf)

@scottythekid on Instagram: “100% CORRECT” "No one is coming to save us. We will save ourselves."

Wake up America. Your Zionist government is making your very existence a crime. This Act proposes to prevent and prosecute "white supremacy inspired hate crimes" and conspiracy to commit "white supremacy inspired hate crimes", such as "replacement theory conspiracies", as well as the following,

2 or more persons engaged in the above "white supremacy inspired hate crimes" and/or conspiracy to commit the same;

At least one person published content against non-Whites on-line;

Motivated others to "white supremacy inspired hate crimes" or likely to have;

Was viewed by one who engaged in such "white supremacy inspired hate crimes" actions;

It is fitting that the top story of the day (Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) is this new bill by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee which would essentially criminalize even the most mainstream forms of White advocacy as a “conspiracy” under federal law. Jackson Lee is calling it the “Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023.”
