Németh Debs

Aug 4, 202213 min

Christians: Know Thine Enemy "Satan" (All of Them)

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

Spiritual discernment grows by the day. Satan thy name is known.

You do not have to accept anything that I relate to you, but there is only one Objective Reality/Truth. I share with you simply what it is I "get out" of things after filtering through my own faculties. I aim to reduce all things to their most absolute terms at any given time considering the information available to me at that time. I remain very happy to adjust as new information becomes available to me.

I want to break something down for you. We are fighting against our own extinction. No holds barred.

What is evil? The absolute subversion of Free Will.

There is only one way to escape the bondage of this "evil"/this subversion of Free Will, the "Satanic" World of Extreme Subjectivism that works tirelessly to ensnare you in the Past or Future.

Riddle Me This:

“I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one cometh onto to the Father except by me.”


What does God the Father represent?

Objective Reality. The Present.

What then does Jesus represent?


No one cometh onto the Father (Objective Reality/The Present), except by me (Truth).

They Are Terrified of White People Having Their Own Identity (debarelli.com)

The "Judeo" in Judeo-Christianity Signals Its Satanization (debarelli.com)

The Jewish War on the Christian Heritage and Culture of Our Nation (debarelli.com)

The Jewish Role in The Longest Lasting Genocide in Human History: The Native American Genocide (debarelli.com)

Local Cops to Federal Agent: "Who's Streets? Our Streets." (debarelli.com)

Talmudic Jews Run the World (debarelli.com)

"Keep Jews Out of Banking, Education, and Government" (debarelli.com)

Every Aspect of What We Have Witnessed is Jewish (debarelli.com)

Note to Reader: I have told you in the past to find your tribe. You have many racial, cultural, faith, etc. This is for the Christians that "They" have now labeled "Christian Nationalists".

My response to the Synagogue of Satan that targets Christians is, "No, we are Christian Soldiers. Soldados! We too know that there is 'nothing new under the sun' and that which has been, shall be again".

How To Fight Back Rule #1: Know Your Enemy

The Great Satan is Subjectivism. The god of this world that you serve.

The God of Christianity is Objective Truth.

You may only serve one.

First you have to be able to perceive what it is that you are fighting. Extreme Subjectivism = "Satanism". All of those things that fall under the umbrella of Subjectivism or for that matter Anti-Semitism. Am I Anti-Semitic? You may as well ask, "Am I Anti-Satanism" as the two are indistinguishable as I am Anti-Subjectivism. Plain and simple. The Great Satan has battled on you and won the world as its spoils. Evil must be made to shirk in fear from the light of God. Truth.

A short list of those things that fall under the umbrella of Subjectivism: Judaism, Satanism, Luciferianism, Illuminati, "Freemasons", the Jesuits, "The Elites", Globalists, occultism in any form, Liberalism, Progressivism. All the isms. Even that astrology (pretend divination) that They try to pull you into. The list goes on. They are Legion, but They are not metaphysical. They are not supernatural, not whatsoever. That's just a concept to fool good people.

Everything is concept first manifested into the temporal world through words. That's it. It is your imagination that fuels the rest.

Years ago, we talked about Word Magic. The magic of the English language in particular. Go reread it if need be.

"More and more you find that you are at odds with veritably everyone you encounter. Perhaps the world itself. No matter who you meet, even the most seemingly "nice" people, everything's a gripe, an issue, a complaint, attitudes, snide remarks. Just misery. You can't even help but spread it. Can't make new friends or relate to people you may have known for years. Might even be family. Lost your friend group or never really had one. Think you may even lack "Communication" skills. Think you have social anxiety. No "Way with the Ladies". Think you're a reject. An outcast. A loner. An outlier. Think this is Clown World (it is). Everything seems foreign. Can't find your niche. Don't seem to fit in anywhere. A fish out of water. Don't like crowds. Don't want to go out. It's all so tiring.

Wondering why you are here on this Earth at all?

First off, you are exhausting. Get out of your head. You are living in imagination. Not an imagination that is constructive but destructive (to you yourself). Notions that are not of your own construction even but devised to entrap you. Escape that prison first. The self-imposed prison of Individualistic subjectivism. You may not even be capable of sitting in silence with yourself to observe the machinations of your own mind that would enable you to realize that it is not you.

Either way, all too often you are at odds with everything and everyone. The world itself. There's not a damn thing wrong with you except that you must come to terms with what the world is exactly.

What is that with which you are at odds?

Maybe there's nothing wrong with you at all anon. Maybe it is the very nature of this world that is at odds with you. Not the other way around.

The world we live in no longer comports with uprightness.

Uprightness is the spirit of "White"/European descent peoples whose God is Truth. All of the heroes and maidens. The Epics and Sagas. Fairytales, dirges, songs and nursery rhymes all designed to unlock your imaginative potential. You are a magical being after all. The European spirit (the group mythos, worldview) no longer administrates the direction of this world nor graces this world with its high culture. The world was envious, and now must suffer the fall. This world is in the grips of that age old deceiver. Devil. Demon. Chaos. Disorder. Narcissism. Deception. Self-Serving. Inversion. Subversion. Imitation. Subjectivism.

In a word, Satan.

This is a Satanic world by definition. That is just another way to describe the world of Consensus Reality. Not Objective Reality. All inhabitants by whatever measure taken in by the architects of fear, deception, and extreme subjectivism playing their respective roles. Individuals so confined to subjective experience that is comprised of content supplied to them, it renders folks incapable of perceiving the wider craft/illusion. The reality being that they live what someone else has imagined. That is the reality of modern individualism. You do not create. You are used to fuel a consensus reality for the god of this world. Satan.

Either caught up living in the Past or Future but never the Present.

God is in the Present. To know God just come into the Present.

You must fight to come into the Present and then everyday fight to remain there because other people function as conduits to transmit the mass delusion. They'll reel you right back into the mass deception.

The past - regret. The future - expectation, anticipation, presumption, etc. There is no shame in admitting your mistakes. That takes great courage. Own the personal contribution that you have made perhaps all of your life to this Satanic World. Until now, that I have made your acquaintance and admonish you to get a hold of yourself. This is not a drill.

You cannot exactly put your finger on it, but you sense something isn't right. Something horrible. You witnessed it with your own eyes but still may not trust what you have seen or clearly perceive it. If you have sensed something is wrong, you would be correct. Let me take you the rest of the way. Most have been so numbed-down, that even now at this 11th hour they still perceive nothing.

Subjectivism is not real. It's imagination. Someone else's. Emotionalisms are not real but are irrationalism, imagination. We observe it in our daily lives in various ways. You can barely conduct a conversation with people in general for the simple fact that most live in their own imaginations. Projections. Not reality. Feelings, not reality. Notions that pop into their minds, not reality. People cannot distinguish any longer between themselves and the messaging that they have been force fed that now they believe is of their own making. It is not. The people, their powers of discernment are at best muddled. Living in your head, with the constructs of Satan. See? You're not alone. Imagination as such is Satan's domain. Presumption. Assumption. Not reality. What ifs. Anxiety over things that may happen. What in the fuck?

Even to the extent that people think that they can know things that they could not possibly know. Yet they are confident. For instance, what someone else is thinking or knows or comprehends. Worse yet, these machinations are the things that inform people's behavior. That's dangerous. Assumptions, presumptions, and expectations. Even these things have been driven out of proportion into The Devil's Lair where you are used to impose those illusions on others drawing them into the Satanic/Subjectivistic world. You may have never before encountered an individual, but that person is nonetheless confident of what they think they know and/or comprehend about you based on insignificancies.

Confident ignorance robs all concerned.

People have mapped out in their minds how an interaction is supposed to go. "I say this. Now you say that." I ask you a series of demographic questions and voila! Now I know you. You were "friendly" so now all these other things must be the case.

Everything is scripted in the minds of individuals already. That is not reality. The moment you go off-script, now you have done it. You have not jumped through a hoop and now have transgressed. Conversations and interactions are reduced to scenarios, nothing more than a series of hoops that are set for you to jump through assembled in the mind of an individual that probably saw that concocted scenario on t.v. or in a movie.

Used to be mostly restricted to women. Now it's the men too. Irrational emotionalism came to be the domain of women but that's not how our ancestors became great having to carry emotional children. No offense to children of course. All you have to do is examine our own mythology and revive it before they reinterpret it. Look at Midea. What she did was irrational. Illogical. What did she do? What did she do guys?

These are not my sisters. They are dumb bitches that fritter their energies to the beast world but cannot recognize that fact. The women in particular long for that which is mystical and magical because it speaks to the essence of who and what we are as women. No one, man or woman, can give you that which you already possess as a European descent woman. They are harnessing and redirecting your blessed energies. By my age (long ago), these whores that have sold themselves to the Satanic World are left haggard by that life, and it shows.

Take back that which is yours before it is too late for you. Direct your own energies. Learn to command yourself through pulling out of the world. Learn to examine and observe yourself and these ideas and notions popping into your mind that are not your own but keep you frenetic and in far too many cases anxious. Pull yourself up out of the pit of subjectivism. Feelings. Logic is not just the realm of men. That is a lie. Logic is the worldview of a people from long ago. Your people. You may yet realize (manifest to/within this world) the magic of motherhood. True emancipation. Then you will be leaps and bounds ahead of even me.

Back to the lesson . . .

If you do not jump through a hoop set up for you by a modern individual (an emotional child) and for all intents and purposes, reenact whatever bullshit they saw on the Tell-A-Vision, people have the gall to become upset with you. Seriously triggered. Why do people do this to themselves? They are out of line. Not you. How dare people work to/or allow themselves to be used to reel you in to the things they cannot even perceive.

What does Miss Manners say? All bets are off mfer (translated).

Seems people do not even require your participation in exchanges presuming they have reached accord due to their confidence in their own abilities to perceive, know, or read another alone not in objective reality (what is actually occurring). They presume accord before you have uttered a single word. People are absolutely fucking exhausting. They themselves are tired and don't know why. It is insanity. To add insult to injury, these are individuals that are clueless regarding the actual nature of our world and the mechanisms at work. Yet they grasp for control. You have eyes but you cannot see. You want endlessly. Stop wanting and accept what is there, you know, in reality. We are all guilty of this.

The psychopaths at work manufacturing reality tell us flat out what They are doing, and the majority of people still do not get it because the people are trapped in their own minds. Individualism itself has been turned on you. You have been weaponized against yourself.

So, how do you combat such a thing that utilizes the energies of the people themselves to perpetuate the illusion and on an individual basis trap people? More specifically, to literally fuel the operation. Sin/debt/transgression against the Natural Order. The sanctioned abuse of your fellow man. "They" (those powers that be) are not responsible. That is a lie to point a finger and say lock them up for what They have done to the people. The fear inflicted. It has been we ourselves the entire time. The people's own chains down to the individual level are forged by they themselves.

What is it that you are struggling against in this world?

Objectivism vs. Subjectivism

Objective Reality - That which may be observed in the natural world. That which does not change based on your opinions or "feelings". The Natural Order. All of those things in the natural world ordained by nature itself. The Natural World itself. God.

Subjectivism is the antithesis of all of that, Satan. "Evil". Subjectivism is the "model" for both Satanism and Judaism. One and the same, therefore. It is that simple.

Listen, I'm not that smart but I'm doing my best here. You have got to come out of the world guys. You cannot save anyone. You cannot even save yourselves because to save yourself requires a level of introspection that you may not be capable of instantly. You will have to work on it in the face of "Work" itself having a bad wrap. Acknowledge that you are not in control. You never were. It is one of two things that controls you, objectivism or subjectivism. God or Satan. Good or Evil. Evil exists. It was all real. Now you have witnessed it in action on a massive scale. Do not doubt what you have seen but recognize it for what it is.

They (the psychopaths that operate in our world) grasp for complete control, subjugated as you already are and have been for millennia. These psychopaths are bargaining that They can outwit God/nature/the natural order by transferring their own culpability for the greatest ongoing evils and crimes against humanity onto the very people they transgress against. Crimes like their endless wars, wiping out Europe, Native Americas, Filipinos, etc. Like the Transgender movement atrocities against children that you are witnessing in real time. Hiding the true Holocaust of Christians all across Europe (Dresden, The Holodomor, etc.) and the world. Think Armenia. Think Christians in the Middle East. Think Palestine. LGBT+++++ movement lies. Turning women into unabashed, murderous whores. Midea. Just a few examples.

Your consent for allowing it to exist at all, not to mention your own participation, is how They shift the Karmic Debt on to you The People. Now They have dropped the veil and are gunning for Christians calling Christians "Christian Nationalists" because "They" (These Satanic Psychopaths) assess that "They" have drummed up enough consensus against any mention of "Nationalism" - they think that They have vilified it enough - that by simply now labeling Christians as Christian Nationalists will signal the next series of events to come (to their goons high and low).

Question: Why do They demonize Fascism?

Answer: It's kryptonite to their ideology.

When you examine the simplicity of their grift, it is galling.

Judeo-Christian denotes the subversion of Christianity. The takeover. "Checkmate". We are at levels of stupidity that are dangerous. You as Christians cry out to defend Jews and Israel, but They are not those people of the Bible. They are shrewd Subjectivists. That's what you're up against that same "spirit" that wars on you. You have gays and women being ordained. Come on man. That is not Christianity. Equality is a lie. Does not exist in nature.

"Judeo" denotes Subjectivism, Subjectivism is Satanism but Christianity is Objective Reality (Objectivism). The two ("Judeo" and Christianity) are natural enemies at opposite ends of the spectrum. Diametrically opposed. The "Judeo" in Judeo-Christianity is an absolute mockery of your ignorance.

Listen, we have to call things as they are.

These psychopaths ("They") fear National Socialism because National Socialism upholds and celebrates the dictates of nature. That which nature has ordained. Objective Reality. God. The Natural Order. You have been so utterly and abjectly and easily fooled. It's is sad to witness but it's all a part of Their design.

All that is rooted in subjectivity is evil. Satanic. It is the prison of imagination. Not your own imagination but the psychopathic architects of this world and their demented imaginations. The world is a massive deception. The world is not poor unfortunate deceived individuals. There are real world consequences to our actions. That is where we are in the timeline. "Satan" (Subjectivism) means to destroy all and everyone, but it is you yourself that provides the means. There is no one to point at as the guilty party, except yourselves.

You can blame the Jews, Satan, Illuminati, The Church, etc. Keep wasting your energy doing that instead of getting yoru own shit together. Tend your own garden. It's that simple.

One aside, an atheist born of the Christian mythos is not the same as an atheist born of Judaism (The Subjectivism "mythos"). Same as Christians "believe" in a messiah so too do the subjectivists. The only difference between us and them is that They are their own savior. Subjectivism is fluid like that. That is how your Jewish friend can be an atheist or non-"religious", etc. They can even be a Christian. Just remember that if at once you say, "I am a Jew" everything else is a veneer. We are Not the same Jews and Christians. Subjectivists and Objectivists. The same as evil is not the same as good.

In reality, "Judeo-Christian" means to convey a "Satanic" domination over God's people. We didn't have any "Judeo" jack-shit when I was being molded for this world. In fact, this pivot is extremely recent and modern. Modern is evil. It relies on subjective interpretations of reality.

But you Christians, you are the light of the world. In a world of darkness, there is you. You must stand up and be counted but you must fully comprehend who is your adversary They call Satan.

In a word, Subjectivism. Subjectivists no matter what They call themselves - Jews, Zionists, Freemasons, Illuminati, Satanists, Luciferians. Makes no difference.

Christian Soldiers, do you see? They are all the same.

The Babylonian Talmud (Pesachim 49b) states that Jewish ignoramuses are greater anti-Semites than Gentiles. The Zohar (Exodus 7b) declares that at the "end of days" certain wicked Jews will become the allies of Israel's enemies.

Judaism is 'ceiling walking', an impossible proposition. Produces its own enemy and 'self-hate'

Many "Jews" consider themselves such but just like in the days of the formation of the modern State of Israel where Jewishness was picked through hair by hair, Jews especially in America but throughout the West will find that they (possibly again in their family lines) don't make the cut in the Death Cult.

Researchers have revealed the truth behind the rise of the first “foreign” rulers of Ancient Egypt . It was long held that the Hyksos, the first non-native dynasty to rule Egypt, were invaders. A study has shown that this was, in fact, fake news✓ and that they had been living in the land of the Pharaohs for years✓ before they >seized power< Hyksos were Canaanites - Thus says the Lord God to Jerusalem: Your origin and your birth are of the land of the Canaanites; your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite." – Ezekiel 16.3
