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Because their pleasure is in deception, their delight is bitter and their beauty is depraved.
The Apostle John
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
1 Peter 5:8
We must be realistic about the current situation. There are literally hundreds of millions, possibly billions, of people that want to move to our countries. And if they had the chance then they would.
There are millions of people already in our countries that hate us and are counting down the days until they can take power. The burning cities, the rape gangs, the terrorism, the stabbings, all this has happened while they were still under 20% of the population. We will soon face the reality that they will be 50%, and keep growing.
You could be forgiven for talking about individualism or classic liberalism or civic nationalism in the past. But anyone that cannot see the writing on the wall now is an absolute retard. Anyone peddling these ideas now may as well just be marching with the hordes. The end result will be the same.

We put boots on the ground for years and in 2017 we were Charlottesville. We went out there to face down these Leftists, Antifa, BLM, SJW's, etc. It could've ended there. The law turned on us. Then the media stepped in.
Those white men with the torches in the images the media showed as white supremacists and Nazis were in point of fact responding all those years ago to what has finally arisen in the national discourse for the public to see. The End Whiteness campaign you now see. Those men said in reply to that neo-Marxist hatefulness, "you will not replace us".
Now, you know. After Charlottesville everyone was targeted for ruination.
You're now loathed to find men of that conviction.
As they say, "You get what you fuckin deserve".
The Silent Prayer comes from Orthodox Christianity. However, JLP while promoting the true Christian practice (the Silent Prayer), he promotes "Judeo-Christianity". False Christianity that is a distortion of the way, the truth, and the life signaling the completed subversion of Christianity by Talmudism and Talmudics. Also, Jesus was not a Jew but Hellenic. How could this key fact escape JLP? It is only within the past century that this lie has been spread throughout Christianity by subversives and dupes. Is JLP a dupe or simply uninformed? This is what happens when others grab hold of European ways. They misunderstand and distort doctrine.
D. Nemeth
In a bid to rewrite law in the State of California pertaining to sexual contact with minors, Democrats have once again designed legislation to circumvent the laws in place to protect minors against sexual predators. In the State of California, a minor cannot legally consent to sex. In January 2019, Democrat Senator Scott Weiner first introduced legislation that “would exempt from mandatory registration under the act a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register”.
Meaning that adults less than 10 years older than a minor who they are convicted of having illegal sexual contact with either anal or oral sex with, that individual would not automatically be added to the sex-offender registry. Democrat Scott Weiner’s bill leaves it up to a judge to determine whether or not an adult having illegal sexual contact with a minor between the ages of 14 and 17 would be placed on the sex offender registry rather than have it occur automatically. This legislation has been signed into law.
This week Sen. Weiner tweeted defenses to his curious bill, “SB 145 ends discrimination against #LGBTQ young people on the sex offender registry,”. “Currently, these youth are forced onto the registry for consensual sex — even if a judge doesn’t think it’s appropriate — in situations where straight youth are not. This discrimination destroys lives.”
It has long been a strategy of Leftists to intertwine Marxist ideology with identity politics and specifically LGBTQ issues in order to confuse LGBTQ community interests with their own twisted world view. The extreme Left posing as Democrats (the take over is essentially complete now) have been wildly successful in this endeavor to conflate otherwise mutually exclusive interests. In fact, these Leftists currently have an unsuspecting public believing that their brand of Marxism, which includes deviant sexuality and predation of children, is LGBTQ. The days of the voices of Leftists being the loudest, are coming to a close as the wider public awakens to their agenda.
Enter “Qanon and it’s Trump adherents”.
The army of QAnons are composed of regular, every day citizens and individuals spread across the continents who steadfastly fight for and have positioned themselves as diligent defenders against child trafficking, pedophilia, and the proliferous networks and systems embedded within our society that enable and facilitate this malfeasance. The QAnons have taken up the banner for the children, minors who are or have been the victims of sex trafficking, abuse, and all manner of sexual predation but have no voice. This includes the latest stunts by Netflix, as well as taking on the behemoth media and Leftist lawmakers. For decades, our own media has largely turned a blind eye to the systemic problem of child trafficking, pedophilia, and the ritual torture of children deeming their plight unworthy. Why is that?
The “Democrats’” latest stunt to rewrite the laws that are already in place to protect vulnerable children against sexual predators, this time penned by Senator Weiner (there’s that name again), and then hide behind identity status, reveals once again the usage of a longstanding method employed by Marxists. Not only did the media and politicians come out in defense of Sen. Weiner, they provided the reasons Mr. Weiner should be defended and by whom. That is in point of fact what they are doing when they for instance state on Twitter as tweeted by Forward.com, “Because he is Jewish and gay, Scott Weiner has borne the brunt of unrelenting anti-semitic and homophobic comments and posts.
If we are keen to the messaging of the Left as crafty as they are, most of all the media, we are left to understand that it is now somehow anti-semitic and homophobic to stand in defense of children against sexual abuse and predation. If this recent occurrence involving Sen. Weiner’s lax legislation was the sole, relevant example, we might overlook such subtleties.
However this is only one of a series of examples. The Left’s defense of the Netflix debut of “Cuties”, a film that sexualizes prepubescent girls, and how they model their defense as an LGBTQ and Jewish issue is another recent and relevant example of what the Leftist apparatus does to protect not only one of their own by hiding the individual behind and/or within a group identity but to defend and promote a wider mission.
Sen. Weiner was forcefully defended in the thunderdome known as Twitter by the army of individuals who identify themselves as members of the various and particular groups called out by the media and journalists to do so. Whenever issues dealing with the sexualization of children arise, the identity groups mobilized by Leftists are always the same. Take note. Tweets put out by journalists and the media like this are a call to their constituency to defend their fellow deviant. As an aside, you may believe that it is harsh to refer to these individuals as deviants, but remember what we are talking about here.
The media and Leftist apparatus ensures the defense of their deviant world view and very importantly the individuals promoting the same by putting on notice the adherents to whatever identity class they choose to invoke and/or mobilize.
As members of identity politics groups set in place to be exploited by the Left, individuals that subscribe to these identity groups mindlessly join in on the social media mosh pit attack as they are directed. For instance, what we see on Twitter. The individuals that identify with group statuses that are now entirely colored by Marxism, (some would say Trotskyism) are called out by journalists and the media to defend this brand of Marxism and specifically to defend high profile individuals like Sen. Weiner, and thereby his deviancy either with direct knowledge of these facts or indirectly by virtue of identity recognition.
This is what you are dealing with, unsuspecting America. The intention of this article is to provide insight into what the mechanisms of manipulations utilized by these enemies of The People are and why Twitter is such a big deal. You may also come to understand why your President has chosen this platform as well.
The politician offers to defend you against your enemies, so that he can deliver you to the ultimate enemy.

Universal Law
In The Realm of Universal Morality, Individuals Are Left To Prove Themselves Equal.
Don't Hurt Others
Don't Take Take Their Stuff
The Root Of All Transgression Is Theft
Self-Defense is natural,
Murder is not
Europa: The Last Battle (europathelastbattle.net)
9/11 Reality
I was listening to a retired commercial pilot speak about his experiences flying.
He was a pilot back in 2001. He was the first pilot to fly back into NYC a couple of days after nine eleven (only flight allowed to in order to pick up VIPs).
A few interesting points he made.
1) When he flew over the site (over the statue of liberty and up the Hudson when starting to land) he saw glowing areas in the footprint of the building. Possibly the main columns that were cut/blown with thermite or other demo charges.
2) All cockpits have something call crash axes next to the pilots (used to cut through the walls of the plane). Within arms distance. All pilots go through self-defense/ hand to hand training. Many are ex-military. Each flight crew has a pre-determined plan that they put into effect if there is a hijacking. He said there is obviously no way a few supposed clowns with box cutters took over any plane, the crew, with a "battle ax" and all the passengers with box cutters.
3) Twice a year pilots had to train in simulators. He said his company had hundreds of commercial pilots who flew thousands and thousands of simulations every year. After the event, he said they all, hundreds of long-time pilots, many who flew fighter jets and transports in the military, all attempted to hit the towers in the simulators (yes sort of sick but none of them believed a group of untrained people could do that). He said they all tried for years. He said out of thousands, tens of thousands of tries, perhaps two people accidently hit the towers. He said it is next to impossible at the speed they were flying and the lack of experience/knowledge they had to have done what is claimed.
Obviously he eventually became aware of who was really responsible.
The photo below is self-explanatory. The Black man is attacking the White man with a self-fashioned blowtorch. The White man defends himself and those behind him. The Whites in this picture were of course demonized by the media for fighting back the assailant so that people, including myself, could walk past without being harmed. We owe a debt of gratitude to the men and women that showed up at Charlottesville, who fully understood what we are contending against way back then and rose to the occasion. Took a stand. When you fully comprehend what we are up against, you will grab your torches too. They know that.
They will demonize you and have Blacks do their dirty work as usual. Blacks that do not comprehend their role in the societal farce, nor realize that they have one. It has always been a matter of Talmudics (Jews) warring on Whites. Warring on all of society whose efforts already serve them. It is never enough. Now they have turned all of society against "Whites" as if the ills of society were ever generated from any place other than the Usury system that serves guess who?
You can prove that the fruits of Judaism are evil, by looking at the historical record, and what they are doing now . . .
Prove this to your own satisfaction, if you are honest enough to want the truth. Take a large sheet of paper and in the left hand column list all the evils you believe are destroying America. Drugs; prostitution; abortion; rock and rap music; alcohol; TV; movies; dishonesty in government and business, etc., then in the right hand column, list the names of those who control these activities in America.
If you are completely honest, you will discover that 98% or more of the leaders in these nefarious activities are Jews.
Talmudics (“Jews”) are leading up every single calamitous thing that has occurred in the past 3 years globally. The “Pandemic”, the Racial Unrest, Election interference, the Transgender movement, LGBTQIA+, the Anti-White movement, Antifa, BLM. This minute percentage of the population is so overly represented in all things destroying Western Civilization and the world that it has now become impossible to NOT see. In fact, they applaud themselves for their achievements. They want us to applaud them too.
Don’t get angry with me, I’m not responsible for this, I’m just giving you some facts!
This is warfare. They work to extinguish the Light. Absent Light, you are but a vessel that may be filled with abominations.