Run! the Israelis demand of the Palestinians run for your lives run from Rapha the way you ran from Gaza city the way you ran from Jebalia the way you ran from dir al bala the way you ran from bayt hanun the way you ran from Hanayunis.
Run, or we will kill you.
We will drop GBU-39 bombs on your tent encampments and set them ablaze.
We will spray you with bullets from our machine gun equipped drones.
We will pound you with artillery and tank shells.
We will shoot you down with snipers.
We will decimate your tents,
your refugee camps,
your cities,
your towns,
your homes,
your schools,
your hospitals,
and your water purification plants.
We will rain death from the sky.
Run for your lives again and again and again.
Pack up the few belongings you have left.
Blankets, a couple of pots, some clothes.
We don't care how exhausted you are,
how hungry you are,
how terrified you are,
how sick you are,
how old you are,
how young you are.
Run, run, run.
And when you run in terror,
the one part of Gaza,
we will make you turn around and run to another,
trapped in a labyrinth of death,
back and forth,
up and down,
side to side,
eight times.
We toy with you like mice in a trap, then we deport you so you can never return or we kill you.
Let the world denounce the genocide what do we care the billions in military aid flows unchecked from our American ally the fighter jets, the artillery shells, the tanks, the bombs, an endless supply, we kill children by the thousands.
We kill women and the elderly by the thousands.
The sick and the injured without medicine and hospitals, die.
We poison the water.
We cut off the food.
We make you starve.
We created this hell.
We are the masters.
Law, duty, a code of conduct.
They do not exist for us.
But first, we toy with you.
We humiliate you.
We terrorize you.
We revel in your fear.
We are amused by your pathetic attempts to survive.
You are not human.
You are creatures.
We feed our lust for domination.
Look at our posts on social media.
They have gone viral.
One shows soldiers grinning in a Palestinian home with the owners tied up and blindfolded in the background.
We loot. Rugs, cosmetics, motorbikes, jewelry, watches, cash, gold, antiquities.
We mock your misery.
We cheer your death.
We celebrate our religion, our nation, our identity,
our superiority by negating and erasing yours.
Depravity is moral.
Atrocity is heroism.
Genocide is redemption.
End of Transcript
This is the most hardcore, gangster, cult ideology on the face of this Earth. Zionists control Western Civilization. Mass immigration into the West is also a part of Jewish Tikkun Olam and what the Zionists call “Redemption”. Their redemption comes at the cost of your own nation and identity Europe, America, and all Western nations.
You think that Zionism, and Judaism more importantly, is like your religion but that is because you have the mind and mentality of a child and can only comprehend things in relation to yourself. You have no personal constitution let alone group cohesion. Your once great nation was overtaken by the Jewish Central Banking cabal that controls the nations of the world through international banking. The policies of your nation do not even serve your people. Not even now when Americans felt a surge of hope with the incoming Trump administration. That was short lived.
There are two classes in America, the hardworking people of this great nation and the Corporate/CEO class that runs everything that we are observing.
Luigi Mangione did not murder the UHC CEO but he certainly inspired a nation. That is much worse for the Corporate/CEO class that controls our country and “they” will want to make him pay for that most uncontrollable happenstance. When the State cannot control the narrative they go for optics and publicity stunts. Always.

Trump is a Zionist. Don’t say I did not warn you. The American people must beware of Zionism because it works to destroy our way of life just as it has destroyed Gaza. Zionists hate the people of the world. Anyone that stands in their way will be genocided. There is a plan in play in the West to displace and replace the peoples of the West with third world shit-hole people.
Recently on X, Elon Musk was exposed for being an America hating opportunist typical of the Corporate/CEO class that he hails from in Silicon Valley. Profit over people is their motto. To our dismay, Trump backs Elon Musk against the American people that voted in Trump again. The incoming administration did not even wait until January 20th to kick the American people in the family jewels with the H-1B visas issue.
Elon Musk told the American people:

If you all recall, Trump’s last administration was cursed by his daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner.

Elon Musk is a globalist and so is Trump. You are what you do. If this incoming administration opts to go along with the globalist plan of spreading out the overpopulated nation of India to the West, it speaks for itself. Canada has already been inundated with what many have referred to as “Street Shitters”. Relieving one’s self in the street is an issue in Canada now just as it is an issue in UK and Europe after mass immigration from third world countries. The reason these countries are called third world is because they are third rate.

Elon Musk vowed to war with Americans over the H-1B visa issue. After all, he himself was an H-1B worker once upon a time. Therefore, the issue strikes a cord with him or so he would love us to believe. In reality, Elon Musk will make a killing off of cheap labor rather than hire any one of the half a million STEM graduates in the U.S. annually. University graduates in various fields over the past several years if not decade have found themselves unable to obtain employment in their fields. That renders them in a tough spot all around. We have millions of young people with crippling student loan debt, unable to afford rent in an environment where rents are steadily getting out of control, they cannot afford to purchase home, or to start families. All part of the corporate and by extension Globalist plan to destroy America and the lives of Americans, not to mention the West at-large.

One of the most unfortunate issues in the West right now is food insecurity. Think about that. Meanwhile, our governments fund immigrants and visa workers and give business loans to foreigners. Trump will use taxpayer money to train low skill H-1B workers in fields where Americans have already obtained degrees.
Our government wants to benefit off of foreign labor and immigration at the expense of American prosperity. The powers that be, Globalists and Zionists, have done just about everything they can possibly do to affect our lives in the most profoundly adverse ways. When we speak out for ourselves, we get what Elon Musk recently did. He tried to shut down dissent by shadow banning accounts and calling people that want prosperity for America “racists”. They always use the same labels, racist, nazi, white supremacist. All while robbing us of the wealth of this nation. They are all a part of it. There is no one that stands up for the American people. Not truly.
This nation, any nation, is its people. If the people do well, the nation does well. Ever since they started giving away citizen ship (and selling it) our nation has been slowly degraded every year. You cannot by waiving a wand make someone American, or European for that matter. You cannot “naturalize” a person. You are born what you are born. This is why we have a situation in America where even the 1st generation children of once immigrants do not see themselves as American.
There is a tug of war going on in America that most don’t know about where the 1st generation or more of immigrants embattle themselves against Americans. It is almost as if it consumes them. American to these people means White as it used to when we were a proper nation but these people refer to themselves as “foreigners” even though they were born in this country, and they embattle themselves at every turn against Whites (Americans).
Now we know that Trump is a fraud and so is Elon Musk. Both will work to shut down dissent to the anti-American policies and actions that they take during the next term in the same way as their Zionist masters.

Openly mocking,
warring, against (W) people=
No more "catching" .
Time to pitch.