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Media Silence: Israel On The Brink Of Civil War Targets "Anti-government, Right Wing"

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

The Israeli government has been "cracking down" on "Anti-Zionist", "RightWing" Israelis and utilizing its might to imprison dissidents and detractors, in fact, any Israeli citizens that so much as speaks against the Israeli government has been placed on Notice.

The Babylonian Talmud (Pesachim 49b) states that Jewish ignoramuses are greater anti-Semites than Gentiles. The Zohar (Exodus 7b) declares that at the "end of days" certain wicked Jews will become the allies of Israel's enemies.

In the context of what is occurring in Israel (major civil unrest and government power wielded against dissidents and detractors) and the main stream media obscuring from the global discourse the Israeli government's persecution of "Right Wing", anti-Zionist elements, it is clear that only "Jews" that capitulate to Zionism, the genocide of thePalestinian peoples, and whatever program the Israeli government pushes, promotes, and propagates, are safe from the Zionist. domination machine.

All part of the larger scheme, the Israeli government, media lackeys, and the Leftist Zionist U.S. government that as always conveniently turns a blind eye to crimes against humanity unless it works to their advantage and is aligned with their schemes and goals does not so much as recognize the Israeli government's attack on its own citizens due to the fact that the Leftist Zionist U.S.government is, again, just another cog in the worldwide Zionist domination machine together with the Israeli government and all governments in Western Civilization that work toward the same ends and use the same standard operating procedures. They are a part of a big club "and you ain't in it!"

In a nutshell, the Israeli government is farther down the timeline that we often discuss in relation to persecuting "anti-government" so-called "Right Wing"individuals and groups. Exactly the position that the U.S. government has been manipulating the public discourse toward and chomping at the bit to fully realize. Notwithstanding the U.S. government’s past “crack downs” on “RightWing”, conservative, wholesome Christian individuals and groups in opposition to the societal degeneration agenda and therefore deemed "anti-government", for generations the U.S. government has smeared such individuals and groups as anti-government extremists, white supremacists, racists, nutcases, radicals, etc.

The U.S. government has in recent years enacted a policy of imprisoning its political opposition that being Patriotic Americans (your neighbors) who have been labeled extremists related to some leg of the Culture Wars that began the moment Donald Trump traveled down that infamous escalator back in 2015.

We have followed the major turning points in the Culture Wars and have observed the persecution and prosecution of political dissidents that began before Charlottesville when James Fields fatefully turned down the wrong road in that bizarre town that was otherwise all but shut down. A town that during the weekend event shunned American flags and American patriotic symbolism as Public Enemy #1. James Fields found himself surrounded by a mob of Domestic Terrorists (as deemed by the State of New Jersey and declared such in 2017-2018) including Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and various other Social Justice warriors one of whom was Heather Heyer who the media falsely presented as having been struck by James Field's vehicle after it was violently attacked by the Leftist mob(s).

The January 6th event was another pinnacle event in the Culture Wars used by the Leftist system at work to propel the narrative and to set the stage for "consent" to commit even more flagrant and clear abuses of power against Patriots and Right leaning individuals utilizing the phony American justice system. We cannot forget those engaged in social media resistance whose actual crime(s) have merely been speaking against the Bolshevik, Zionist, U.S. de facto government which said government perceives as opposition. Shitposters became a powerful body of opposition in and of themselves. The de facto U.S. sham government, however, needed to justify censorship on social media in order to infuse a censorship attitude in individuals that would affect people on personal levels and in everyday life and have this happen nationwide, if not further, in order to control individuals from publicly speaking out (on social media) too loudly before the divergent changes could be implemented and take effect.

Specifically, we refer to the criminal syndicate's national Leftist cultural reprogramming operation (think transgenderism, reassignment surgeries on children and young impressionable people, the "Q" in LGBTQ taking over, the Covid Pandemic, Vaccines, the sexualization of children in the school system, of course mainstreaming pedophilia).

No matter in what nation you reside in Western Civilization, your government is an active participant in this criminal syndicate whose mechanism of control is financial and economic debt slavery (Usury) and social degeneration and trauma. They that manage, control, and run our governments and this globalist system, frankly, these are pedophiles.

The curriculum introduced and implemented in the American public school system (and beyond in other Western nations) is proof positive that the reins of governmental, institutional, societal, and social power, i.e. "systemic power", at every level and aspect are in the hands of pedophiles.

Now in our times, an individual and/or group does not actually have to engage in codified criminal acts, the pedophilic government is happy to tailor an offense for their target and has criminalized the softest of dissent. Again, referring to James Fields in the Charlottesville event, the January 6th individuals persecuted and convicted, and on-line social media "shitposters" such as Doug Mackey who we cannot forget from the Trump election era that is currently imprisoned for making memes that the government used as evidence to prosecute Mr. Mackey through twisting of reality, language, and legalities. Doug Mackey was convicted of election interference for posting memes. Yes, you read that right.

Doug Mackey was prosecuted and CONVICTED of making memes. Humorous, intelligent, and thoughtful. We also know that Leftists all over the internet did the exact same things (make election themed memes). The sole difference between Leftist memes and memes such as Doug Mackey's intelligent and humorous memes is that the Leftist election themed memes were not remotely funny and/or intelligent.

This, of course, is due to the fact that "The Left Can't Meme".

The point remains that Leftist and Liberal election meme creators were not prosecuted because the Left works for the interests of the de facto government,"the establishment", "the system", those individuals, groups, and interests that possess what is often described as "systemic power".

Those with "systemic power" in Western Civilization are responsible for every foul thing that we are witnessing in our countries, most importantly, the sexualization of our children. Those with "systemic power", these Globalists, Zionists, Leftists, Liberals and the like are telling you who they are through the actions that they are taking. They are sexualizing and sexually abusing children through untold numbers of global networks.

Our nations are run by subversive, pedophile, occultist, thugs at every level.

It does not matter if a "Right Wing" individual finds himself as a citizen of the United State, Israel, or any Western nation as a matter of fact. The Zionists that control the Leftist U.S. government, Israel, and the larger global criminal syndicate is gunning for you.

Golems turning on "masters".

Domestic Parasites

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