Thank you for supporting Debarelli.com and for supporting me personally on Substack, Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter. I’ve done my best to apply my professional and life skills to societal matters in an effort to aid my fellow Americans and humanity. Not just my own racial tribe but everyone in an effort to imbue onto others the sense of wherewithal they require to survive the corporate elites and satanic influences that have dismal plans for us all. It is my strongest conviction that the people’s of the world have a natural right to exist unfettered by the mal influences that control not just our nation but the world. They will still call me a racist, a nazi, a white supremacist. Let them! The National Socialists of Germany fought this satanic force in their day. They also believed that the people’s of the world have a natural right to exist as I have stated.
No wonder so many non-White peoples took up arms with NS Germany. It was never about Whites dominating the world but rather about defending against the scourge of Communism. That same force is at work actively destroying the ways of life of myriad people’s all around the world. Now they call it Globalism. They seek to erase our peoples from existence, our races and cultures, but they are people too just like you and me.
They have incorporated themselves against us while preventing any of us from gaining any meaningful traction against them and their destructive actions or to even protect ourselves and our children. They poison our air, our water, our natural environment, our homes, our food, and even directly administer poisons to our children that have lifelong consequences and trigger cancer and inflammatory diseases later in life. It is Vaccine Roulette. They deceive parents into believing that these vaccines are mandatory while using coercive methods to guarantee administration of heavy metals and biological constituents to babies.
Everyday we become more wise, more courageous, more daring, more still and serene in the knowledge of what exactly it is that we are embattled against. Right vs. Wrong. Good vs. Evil. Objective Morality v. Subjective Reality. We grow more intelligent by the day and where it matters. We are Noticing more and more who they are and by facing the reality of our predicament we are becoming better people than we had been the day before. We own our mistakes and realize that we are only human. We do not dwell on our past mistakes as that hinders us from contributing with all of our effort, individual abilities, and might to something much bigger than ourselves.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
You must be able to perceive with your mind’s eye only one thing and that is Truth. With that, we will continue in our struggle for self-determination against foreign infiltration. If we win self-determination for ourselves (White people), we win self-determination for all!
We’re freeing all the slaves, y’all. This time the slaves are us.