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Olympic Games: Satanic Jewish Mysticism

Christ is King

The world is under the thumb of Jewish Mysticism. As people we possess a natural right to express our unique collective will to power (Spirit - Ka). That is to say divinity which is unique to our kind. The only way for White/European descent peoples to redeem themselves is to rebuke those under whose thumb we have been trodden. To throw them off of our backs, squeeze them until they release their fangs from our flesh.

My people perish for lack of knowledge.

There is no doubt that Christendom (Western Civilization) is controlled by Jews. The White race is Christendom. This is the reason the West is targeted and why Satanic degeneracy is pushed on us to further corrupt us spiritually and demoralize society on the most intimate levels.

Throughout ancient (White/European) history and embedded in our unique traditions and creation story is the same allegory repeatedly.

In the Creation Story, the Great Warrior/Hero (Hercules) wrestles the snake as he is simultaneously attacked at his heel. We also see the Great Warrior Achilles befallen by an arrow through the heel. We have the Biblical Jacob grabbing the heel of the unfortunate Esau. We have the Amalekites pursuing the Israelites relentlessly nipping at their heels. This has been a continual theme. It is all allegory.

The Jews persisted in encroaching the outskirts of European lands throughout history plaguing these European locals which caused the expulsions of Jews from over 1300 jurisdictions but relentlessly the Jews returned time and again despite the so-called “persecution” by Europeans. The Jews stayed in European lands until they slithered up from the heels (outskirts) of Europe to the head (the Crown) remaining there to slowly and methodically drain the lifeblood of Europe, dismantle its systems and destroy its wondrous heritages.

This rise of the Jews in European societies is itself is reminiscent of the levels of the tree of life.

And, who are these people “the Jews”? They are their own Messiah (savior) and their salvation/redemption relies upon the demise of the White/European race. The Jew is Satan. The serpent. Lucifer. Real and in the flesh. The body of European tradition reveals this fact in symbolism and allegory. The Jew is the snake, the adder, the viper. That which strikes the White man through his heel to this day driving deeper and deeper into the wounds that the Jew has caused all the while crying out in pain. Under many mystical (occulted) guises Jewish mystics lie in the shadows, but the trail always leads to the Jew.

Why does this group which holds ideological and material sway over the nations of the world fear Christ? What is in this title Christ? Ka - Spirit, Rist - Risen. This title reveals our glorious ancient heritage indeed but more importantly it signifies our collective will-to-power, the spirit of the White race embodied in the very symbolism of Christ, our collective will-to-power, our spirit as a race. Rist - means risen. The greatest fear of the occupiers of your nations, White man, is that your collective will-to-power rise(s) and causes you to rebuke the Great Satan. Amalek. It is merely the Jews in high places that we refer to by many names, including Satan and Lucifer. Throw him from your back and defend your noble roots and right to not only exist but to flourish, White man, in your own right, free of the ideological and material control of Lucifer.

The enemy does not merely fear Christ himself, but the symbolism of Christ that in and of itself has the potential power to inspire all of Christendom to rise in spirit to defend itself and rid the world of these powers in high places that have subjugated the nations of the world both ideologically and materially. These powers that we refer to as International Banking, Globalism, Liberalism, Communism, Talmudism, Corporatocracy, Oligarchy, the Elites, WEF, U.N. - in a word, Jews. All obscure the true "powers that be", that operate in this world, this realm of illusion controlled at the most intimate levels by Jewish mystics. Think Chabad Lubavitch. The signs are all around us. The indicators clear. When we say that this world is Satanic, we directly refer to Jewish mysticism.

In our times, it could not be more clear who controls Western Civilization materially. That was easy to uncover. Just follow the money. Conversely, the source of the spiritual degradation of Western societies has been more difficult to evidence for those not willing to put in the hardwork and time to delve into the ideological red flags that abound or to simply read the Talmud or read on Jewish Kabbalah. When it has been said that every single thing that we believe societally must be reexamined, that means even the roots of our most deeply held ideals and deeply embedded falsities concerning the true nature of our beloved Jews and their role in dismantling Western Civilization utilizing Liberalism, our own institutions and, of course, Communism.

To complicate matters further, our very history and origin story has been dictated and directed by Jewish ideology. If you understood Judaism, you would understand that what I have conveyed herein. From the Big Bang theory (that's Kabbalah) to the idea that we derive from Neanderthals never crossing our minds that Esau of the Bible is the archetype for Neanderthal.

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