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Sex Slavery in Russia is not Conducted by Russians

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

It is a pretense the idea that Jeffrey Epstein operated a sex trafficking network to ensnare prominent and wealthy individuals with power around the globe anomalously. The reality is that the entire Usury system that we live subject to has an underbelly and that is human trafficking, sex trafficking, child trafficking, ritualism. Frankly, Globalists are pedophiles and cannibals, not just faggots. Globalists' entire anti-culture, perverse and debased proclivities fueling their elite lifestyles may be summed up in one word, Faggotry. Faggotry is affect. Illusion. Like the culture and mannerisms that you are told convey what it is to be gay, but it is really a worldwide cult emanating from Globalists themselves.

The bottom line when we discuss human trafficking is that White women are a worldwide favorite of the sex slave/sex trafficking industry because Whites (European descent people) are a fast-dwindling global minority, and therefore the highest commodity for sex slavers operating out of the Middle East, which is ground zero for sex trafficking. The trafficking of White women by so-called "Semitics" (both Jewish and Arab) is a millennia old enterprise. Slavic women in particular always having been top prize, but White (European descent) women have not been alone as top choice of White race slavers. White boys have also been top commodity throughout the ages, even exceeding the demand for White women. White boys were a favorite sold to locals in China for millennia by Jewish peddlers of slaves. Look it up.

When we talk about sex trafficking in Russia and Eastern Europe, the fact of the matter is that those sex trafficking networks operating in those regions by a landslide are not Russians at all. The "Russian" oligarchs are not even Russians. "Russian" is codeword for Jewish, for "Israeli". Why keep up the pretense?

When I say Semitic here, I solely refer to a strain of "language" related to and/or a part of what is deemed Semitic linguistically. Modern Hebrew, it is simply a patchwork of languages. A construct. The basis of the Jewish contention of a Semitic origin being merely this, language; but not "race". Jews are not a "Semitic" race. The basis of the outlandish claim is linguistic relationship. Jews are a mixed-race peoples, a mishmash of the races. A construct. There is no continuity of bloodline(s). Bottom line. The premise of "Anti-Semitism" is farcical. There are solely three races of bloodline continuity - Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. Everything else is mixed race. I'm telling you this because the idea of "Anti-Semitism" is preposterous, yet "Anti-Semitism" is at the heart of and is one of the greatest driving factors behind the "how' of what we are witnessing globally. All illusions must be shattered.

- Debs Nemeth

The world hates White boys above all. As parents, your first priority must be the protection of your children from woke 'She-boons' such as caught on camera (follow link below) abusing that poor child. All across this nation, not one group is immune from the savage abuse of Woke Blacks. Seems they are everywhere and in every corner of this country. That is what HUD is about after all. That is what bringing train stations to particular areas is about. That is what "Equity' is about. In point of fact, those Woke Sociopaths we continue to see footage of on a daily basis attacking Whites, Asians, our elderly, and our children, the vulnerable, unsuspecting people just going about their lives, these Woke Sociopaths have been given carte blanche by the governing apparatus to do just that.

Band together and protect yourselves when you are confronted. When you are given no recourse, fight back or come out of the world altogether. These videos of Whites and Asians being beat up and abused are getting old. Stop going about your lives like nothing is happening. Start doing your proverbial push-ups, eat cleanly, and develop situational awareness. Don't communicate with Woke Sociopaths when you go into these cities and hotspots. Don't be a victim just because They want you to be victimized.

Someone put this together - they asked GPT about Epstein and Clinton and received an outright lie. Chatgtp is literally nothing other than an information storage program which can only provide pre-programmed answers to questions based on how it has been programmed by whomever decided to program and enter the information. It's not "intelligent". It's not thinking. It's not anything important whatsoever.

It is "artificial" as per the definition, it is "made or produced by human beings" and it is "insincere" and "contrived or false".

Someone commented on this photo:

"ChatGPT is unable to think, reason, or understand. It just generates human-like text. It does not know anything and cannot know anything."

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