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Cat's Out Of The Bag: The "Tiny Hats" Control Everything Happening in the U.S.

Updated: 2 days ago

If you're new to the "conspiracy world" the cat's kind of out of the bag. The United States military has been pimped out for like 70 years to do various agendas that have nothing to do with why you and me, the taxpayer, would ever want them to go to war. Ok, Afghanistan, Iraq, freaking even Vietnam and now the Middle East, Ukraine or Russia. Another thing that's out of the bag is all of these seemingly organic, natural "movements" from the "people in the country". "College Activists". They really showed their hand, the people controlling all of this by buying everybody the same freaking tent color. ahahaha cause now everybody knows that it's funded.

We found out that more than 50% of these activists on college campuses are paid activists.

So, the people that are wanting to control our military, and the people that are wanting to control public opinion, are the same people that control the celebrities that make you support these various, stupid little causes like BLM. The same people that supplied the tents are the same people that supplied the stacks and pallets of bricks to throw at the windows during the BLM riots, is the same people that are hiring the district attorneys that are not prosecuting for petty crimes so that they can degrade the cities in which they live. The same people that are helping the border stay open.

If you look at the World Economic Forum's Agenda 2030, the United States falling is part of it. So, there are people that are funding this.

Now, separately. The last thing you're not allowed to notice, which I'm not saying it's a good thing or a bad thing but I'm allowed to notice patterns, and that is that the people with the tiny hats do seem to control almost every industry almost entirely.

Why is it that it's frowned upon for people to acknowledge that they seem to be in positions of power? Idk that they're connected but I'm just saying they all happen to have the little hats. What do you want me to do, close my eyes? Pretend I can't see it? No. It's a freaking thing. Idk what it is but it's a freaking thing.

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