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Nations of the World Powerless to Stop Israel From Ethnically Cleansing Palestine

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

"Israel is one of the most racist countries in the world.

While Israel works hard to play the victim, it’s actually a racist, Jewish supremacist state that aims to ethnically cleanse Palestine.

BT’s Kei Pritsker explains how racism is the core of Israel’s national identity."

"Everybody's an American until the ethnic grudges come to a head, and then we see where the allegiance truly lies, right? They're an American when they want to ditch their country and participate in our decadent society but then they maneuver to drag us into foreign wars to take lives and money away from American families.

So, with no disrespect intended, go do it yourself. You want to start WW3? Alright. Let's reinstitute the draft but only for those whose families got here after WW2, and then we'll see how American everybody really is. I have deep roots in this country and if me wanting to put my country first is offensive to you, we've learned a lot about where your allegiance is actually pledged. Haven't we? You should be kissing the soil that this country was built upon. Not demanding that its people leave and go die on your soil when they have no reason to."

Note to Reader: There is no problem with the Israeli people acting in their own interest(s) as a group but the active genocide of Palestinians is evil. You are what you do Israelis. The consequence of exercising in-group preference in Western nations is being labeled "racist", which is exactly what subversives and their retarded acolytes do to Whites in their own Western nations. These subversives (and retards) label Whites racist and do everything possible to propagandize Whites into not acting in their own interests as a cohesive group. There is no problem with any individual, group, or nation acting in its own interest(s) in reality. The only problem is that you care about subversives and retards that would label you "Racist". Do you think Israelis give a single shit about being called "Racist" or even "Supremacist"? Pay attention. The threat of being called "Racist" or "Supremacist" solely works to manipulate White populations.

White people (your neighbors) are not racists working to genocide anyone. Israelis on the other hand are actively working to genocide Palestinians now and in our times. White Americans and European descent peoples are treated as though they are doing exactly what we observe Israelis perpetrating against the Palestinian people. Let's be clear. No living European descent individual has or is actively genociding anyone, but Israelis are actively and have been for several decades conducting pogroms against Palestinian Arabs.

The only way a people may survive is to practice in-group preference, no doubt. These codes, ideals, precepts, and sensibilities that subversive interests label "Racist" and "Supremacist". Only retards believe this propaganda. The issue is that the same subversive interests that promote “Anti-Racism” (meaning “Anti-In-group preference”) among Whites in Western nations, and that actively prohibits the expression of in-group preference(s) specifically among White European descent peoples, hypocritically promotes it for all other non-White group(s), including Israelis but they go one step further in condoning the racial extermination of groups they deem problematic. Like Palestinians.

What is actually happening in Palestine? Jews are conducting a massive Pogrom (genocide) of Palestinians for all the nations of the world to see, but the nations of the world, these ostensible super powers are powerless to stop Israel. How is that? The most powerful nations of the world possessing the most kumaya mottos are powerless to stop the genociding of Palestinians by the Israeli government and the Israeli people themselves from happening now and in our own lifetimes.

More particularly Western civilization, these hypocrite politicians and the governing apparatus that institutes Anti-racism policy, meaning Anti-White policy in Western nations in order to incite hatred against Whites and indigenous Europeans, that browbeat Whites in the U.S. regarding a "genocide" of so-called Natives/Indians that we are told occurred as if we ourselves conducted such exterminations and atrocities and/or genocides actions against "native" American peoples (a misnomer btw since these non-White groups were not a part of the American Republic), the U.S. is under the control, manipulation, and management of these same subversive interests these elite interests that are presently, actively genociding Palestinians. Oh, the irony.

The Banker - Corporation - Elite class that owns and controls the U.S. and Europe is conducting a genocide of Whites and native Europeans in general the world over.

That is why not one Western nation will intercede to stop the genocide of other Christians, Palestinian or otherwise. They do not possess the power to do so. White power over White nations has been the biggest illusion in world history. Western nations built on the tenets of Christianity are experiencing a genocide of their own native White populations because of this. Every distinct cultural and ethnic group of European persuasion is being erased, that is the great American experiment which ideology has begun to be practiced in Europe in the form of massive non-White, immigration to Western nations. Wiping out entire ethnicities and cultures through political policy and the poisonous miscegenation policies of this new "American" ideological culture poison spread throughout the West.

This is also happening to Hispanics and Latinos in the Americas.

Jews often cite the pogroms and expulsions of their group that occurred in Europe in retaliation to their foreign and subversive activities against European populations, especially crimes against children, poisoning of wells, etc., this is cited as a stain against the peoples of European descent. However, Jews in our own modern times have conducted expulsions and pogroms against the Palestinians. As long as "Jews" are conducting the expulsions and pogroms as we have seen in this longstanding genocide perpetrated against Palestinians, these crimes against humanity are not a problem. So, we see how true supremacy and racism operates. Not the bullshit they sell the retards in the West.

All peoples have the right to exist. All peoples have the right to exercise in-group preference (what the retards and subversives call “racism” and even "supremacy"). However, no peoples have a right to exterminate any other peoples or to subjugate any peoples. Present day humanity, is responsible for what occurs in our times. We are stewards of the lands of our distinct peoples not just in Western Civilization but the world over and we have a duty to preserve the same for our progeny (descendants).

Stop worrying about a past that we never lived. Crimes against humanity are actively being perpetrated now. Mossad created Hamas. What has happened to Israel is what the Israeli government wants to happen. These atrocities have occurred not merely with the screaming approval of the Israeli people but at their onw hands, these who believe themselves to be chosen. To be superior to Palestinians and gentiles and all goy (cattle).

Netanyahu used Hamas against the Israeli people when the Israeli people asserted themselves against his regime. As long as Israelis focus on exterminating Palestinians and hating on gentiles and goy, they have the blessing of their government. Israelis are in a catch 22 much like every other nation's people where you can hate on everyone else but not your government.

Non-Whites in America should pay close attention because if they wise up and finally realize that Whites are not in control of White nations and have not been for a very long time, non-Whites will have dug themselves too deep due to their own hatred of Whites, Whites who if they snapped out of it could get all of us out of this pickle. No group at this time can prevail against these "powers that be" alone and non-Whites have even less power and resources to assert themselves against the actual culprits. Non-Whites need Whites more than ever. How ironic.

See video.

Footage (below) of the destroyed Church of Saint Porphyrius.

Local rescuers are now searching for survivors under the rubble. The attack came as Palestinians who had lost their homes took refuge in the church.

The shrine stood for about one and a half thousand years, surviving the Crusades, wars and the decline of empires. But it did not survive the next round of conflict between Palestine and Israel.

Note to Reader: Is this not the Motis Operandi practiced worldwide by Communists? Destroy all ancient, historical relics of a given people as part of the process of "wiping" them out.

Unlike Notre Dame, the destruction of this most holy Christian relic in Palestine, Church of Saint Porphyrius, was either opportunistically and/or deliberately destroyed as part of the pogrom against Palestinians, which makes it acceptable goy.

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