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The "New World Order" and The "New World Mega-Race"

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

"Be A Champion for Diversity. Marry Your Own Kind."

"A race-less person has no ties to soil, land, flag, territory, tribe, has no history, no direction, no Collective vision. With a race-less person, there'll never be an uprising, never be a revolution. It is the Communist, Marxist, socialist, wet dream."

By Ellison

"I suspect race mixing under certain conditions is being used to hide the transfer of genetic disorders and destroy the two races.

The ancient worker race has damaged chromosomes which are also present in downs syndrome suffers. This manifests itself in many ways, including an almost zero tolerance of alcohol. Interestingly there is a type which is passed from mother to child, to be a Jew you have to be born of a Jewish mother.

I suspect the white European clans which migrated south during the last ice age and settled in Mesopotamia has their genes altered over hundreds of generations.

The ancient Chinese race was also white, their replacements have the damaged chromosomes and alcohol resistance deficiency.

Note established autistic indicators - multiple hair crowns, extended philtrum (even 2 or 3mm), deformed cranium - in many cases manifesting itself in a setback frontal lobe."

Research and sources:

The ancient slave race, Cultural Migration,



"I personally think it's over for the JWO. Neoliberalism, Marxism and wokeness is finished. Yeah, sure we are going to face some very difficult economic times with inflation, fuel and food prices rising but Nationalism is going to prevail and these international hook-nosed bankers who are trying to impose globalism on us are going to fail spectacularly."

By Tommy

'Here's a quote from a friend named Nina and this is the reason ****They***** are so gung ho in destroying the white race. They want to be deemed the only "pure" breed.... but fortunately the vast majority of humans are simply not attracted to a race different than theirs. The continuance of genetics is not even something that is's ..... genetic. Attraction is genetic. They can try to socially engineer humanity all they want through television.... but they loose on ratings, and money is their number one God.

Here's an excellent quote from a friend: "The parasites (with their own tribal understanding) believe our ideology and principles are harbored in ethnic vessels (as they think their ideology is dependent on fleshly genetics too), so they can’t kill an ideology, just its vessel.”

"They envy heritage, culture, and history, because they truly don't have one. Theirs is all invented. That's another can of worms.''

By P.A.

Video (below) can be listened to while you're doing something else. It lays out most everything you need to know about the power-hungry elites that are "reshaping" our societies to their Transhumanist vision where there are no distinct cultures of the world, no distinct peoples.

Regarding China, it will be interesting to see how Israel and the "Jews" operating out of the skeleton of Western Civilization will pull off the coming switcheroo on China.

They (the Jews in all their forms, key posts and positions) used all of Their power, leverage, and influence to aid China financially, economically, and through industry as well as all manner of political and cultural subversion of the West (but in particular these United States) to catapult China into a Superpower front-runner for the coming New World Order. However, no one in their right mind is fooled into believing that Israel and "American" Jews or the Elite Jews would just hand over power to China, notwithstanding the fact that it is a "Communist" nation. Remember, the Chinese possess the requisite (and heavily so) Nationalism in the traditional sense (that being the racial component of nationalism) that Westerners have been stripped of due to the collaboration of Jews and Chinese subverting the West. The Jews did not intend to just to utilize China as a new golem, nor give something for nothing. Not at all. The point of the entire charade is Jewish global control after all. So, that is the big question that will have everyone on the edge of their seats. How will the Jews pull off the switcheroo on China? They would have a Chinese Hitler on their hands before the Chinese would allow their people to be fagged out by Jewish Liberalism but even that would work in the Jews' favor and in fact be something the Jewish power apparatus would utilize to neutralize (punk out) Chinese leadership.

With all of the digital/biometric/credit system Ba'alshit implemented and in effect, seems Chinese leadership has been had as much as Western leadership. It's all fun and games until the Chinese golem realizes the grift because that power technology is not Chinese.

Prove me wrong.

On top of every other consideration, the most disturbing point is that They will render everyone susceptible to virtually every currently isolated genetic defect. They will enjoy complete control over a population of amalgamized human beings, this new race, that possesses no substantive ties to anything other than what is directed by these psychopaths. All They care about is that you consume. What you consume. They want you to consume their filth 24/7/365. Their filth is product. Even "culture" (like identity) is product now. That's why you can't be anything. It is perilous in many instances to utter the words, "I am" whatever it is that you are subscribing to (as identity). M'kay?

Who am I? How many times have I told you? I am Nobody. Even if I comprehend that racially I am this or that, or culturally this or that, or even religiously this or that, I am not that particular thing at the expense of my moral imperative.

"In a funny coincidence, EU founder (((((Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi))))) "determined" this in his antiwhite blueprint for White Genocide,

"Practical Idealism" (in the 30s or something like that) which was heavily funded by the Jews and the Rothschild's (and other prominent "elite" Jews).

This is, of course, known as "The Kalergi Plan" for White Genocide and replacement and is an extremely racist agenda adopted by Jews that is now being FULLY IMPLEMENTED.

How long are we going to lie down and die?"

By Warrior Joseph (above)

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